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President Donald J Trump
Claudia Tenney is a member of the Serbian Congressional Caucus
In her youth she had both professional and private ties with our country. During the 80s, Claudia was the only American woman employed at the then Yugoslav Consulate General in New York City.
She has visited the former Yugoslavia on several occasions, where she got acquainted with our culture and learned Serbian. Claudia will continue to fight for our community and help us reach our goals.
We have a great friend and an ally with whom we can build a long-term and successful cooperation!
Serbian Americans stand with Claudia and will vote for her in November!

Our full support and endorsement goes to Ana Paulina Luna!
She is a strong and independent leader, who will fight for our voices to be heard! She is speaking against everything we at SAVA PAC already disagree with, illegal immigration, cancel culture and big-tech censorship.
Florida Serbs make sure to give your vote for her as she is running in FL-13.
Our full support and endorsement goes to Jennifer-Ruth Green!
Jennifer is a proven leader who will defend our freedom, values and opportunities for all! She will bring battle-proven leadership and determination to work for the best interests of the Serbian-American community!
Indiana Serbs make sure to give your vote for her as she is running in IN-01.

Jeremy Shaffer will be fighting for our interests from Pennsylvania!
Jeremy is known as “Pennsylvania problem-solver” because of his leadership in the business and PA community. He will surely give it all to solve our Serbian-American community problems!
Pennsylvania Serbs, make sure to vote Shaffer For Congress on November 8th.
Together with Ron Johnson we will fight for freedom! This is the fight that we absolutely must win!
Dear Serbian American Patriots, make sure to go full force on November 8th for Ron Johnson.

We proudly announce that we give our full support and endorsement to Adam Laxalt !
Adam, as former Naval Officer and Nevada’s Attorney General, has committed his life to fighting for what’s right.
He is well aware of our Serbian-American community issues and will fight our Sserbian Voices to be heard on Capitol Hill.
Nevada Serbs this is our only opportunity to save Nevada’s future!.Vote for Adam Laxalt on November 8th!
Arizona Serbs, our full support and endorsement goes to Blake Masters!
If you have been following us for a while, you could’ve guessed it. Blake is the only one in the AZ Senate race with necessary skills and background to win the fight in Washington.
Together we will build a better, stronger Serbian-American community, Arizona and America! Make sure to vote for Blake Masters on November 8th.

Pennsylvania Serbs our full support and endorsement goes to Dr. Oz. As someone who was personally canceled by liberal elites, Dr. Oz stands strong against Cancel Culture as do we at SAVAPAC.
Together with Dr. Oz we have the power to change our lives for the better. With Dr. Oz in Senate our Serbian-American community in PA will be much stronger, safer and better.
Dr. Oz will return the power to PA and PA Serbs! Make sure to vote for Dr. Oz on November 8th.
The mission of SAVA PAC is to support the election of candidates to federal office that are firmly committed to and will forcefully champion the values, interests, and priorities of the Serbian American community.
It endorses, provides financial contributions to, and offers campaign assistance from voters to selected candidates. Only certified winners of primary contests are eligible.
SAVA PAC uses a vigorous and thorough process to evaluate and select candidates it endorses. It relies on several criteria to assess them and their worthiness.
Criteria include a confidential candidate questionnaire. Eligible candidates are encouraged to request, complete, and submit a questionnaire. They may request a written questionnaire at SAVA PAC internally reviews and evaluates candidate responses to a host of questions.