Dear fellow Serbian-American Patriots,
The purpose and mission of the independent, non-partisan SAVA Political Action Committee is clear, simple, and straightforward: to raise funds to financially support and elect candidates to federal office whose vision, views, and values are aligned with those of the Serbian-American community. We are laser-focused on this objective every day.
After more than 160 years of Serbs being in and building this country, it’s time for today’s approximate 1.2 million Serbian-Americans to finally have a strong and united voice in shaping the major decisions in the federal government that affect them, their lives, livelihoods, families, health, security, and prosperity. We can and should be one of the most powerful forces and voices in American politics today, deserving the same respect, clout, and influence accorded other groups in our nation’s capital—including our opposition.

For too long, Serbian-Americans have not “been in the game,” as former Congressman and Co-Chair of the Serbian American Congressional Caucus Ted Poe (R-TX) has observed. Our community has countless opinions about what should be done, engages in endless and fruitless discussions about policy issues, and participates in pointless debates among itself – and still nothing has changed for the better. Numerous well-meaning individuals, groups, and organizations have tried to move Serbian Americans and their agenda forward – mostly with meager and ineffective results.
SAVA PAC is taking a new direction with an emphasis on real game-changing action and results that matter, not more inaction and talk. We want to cut through the opinions, discussions, and debates and get to the real point: making Serbian-American voices heard, respected, powerful, and influential in American politics and federal decisions.
We don’t have time to engage in more long-winded philosophical noise and self-important debates within our community. Our opposition wastes no time in these unproductive activities, but works hard every day to raise funds to support and elect candidates that support its agenda. If the Serbian-Americans are not willing to act on and out of their own best self-interests and continue to do what they have always done, as one individual observed, “the Serbian-Americans are just chasing their tail and getting nowhere. They’ll continue to be an obscure, ineffective, politically irrelevant community compared to their powerful opposition.”
We want to work with Serbian-Americans who are action-oriented, proactive and committed to back their words with a donation to SAVA PAC, changing the status quo by taking action – the kind of action that will finally create the outcomes we desire. It’s time to raise the funds we need to put strong leaders and lawmakers in the White House and Congress that support the interests, views, and values of Serbian-Americans.
What kind of Serbian-American are you? Are you the committed, action-oriented leader we can count on to pursue this mission, and give a generous donation to the SAVA PAC? Please let us know by contributing today.
Thank you!

Serbian American Voters Alliance is a non-partisan Political Action Committee, whose mission is to support or defeat candidates for federal office and promote or oppose legislation, public policy, and actions of concern to the Serbian-American community.
“A PAC, is a tax-exempt organization that collects voluntary contributions and distributes those funds for the purpose of influencing political campaigns, supporting a political issue, or electing or defeating candidates running for federal, state, or local public office. Federal PACs are governed by federal election law, which requires registration with the Federal Election Commission and provides specific limits on how much a PAC can directly contribute to a candidate per election.”
-Thought Co.-
The purpose of SAVA is to give Serbian-Americans a greater voice in their federal government. By financially supporting and helping to elect worthy candidates for federal office, and send strong leaders to Washington, DC that can influence laws, policies, and decisions that affect our lives, values and families every day.
– Appoint state leaders and develop state teams
– Identify and support candidates running for federal government who share our values and interests
– Facilitate and develop relationships with the elected officials and candidates where our community resides
– Provide an ongoing interface across federal government between candidates, elected officials, their staff, and our community
– Establish a permanent presence within the electoral process by informing, and engaging our community
– Host events across the nation featuring keynote speakers
– Organize and eventual annual Serbia Day Gala in Washington, DC
– Provide major donors with one-on-one opportunities to meet leaders and candidates